AI shakes up geology with a rock solid machine learning approach.

AI and machine learning are being utilized in the field of geology to explore and understand complex geological provinces, such as the western Gawler Craton in Australia. Machine learning can serve as an unbiased check against human data interpretation, providing more objective results. Geologists emphasize the need for human expertise in interpreting the results generated … Read more AI shakes up geology with a rock solid machine learning approach.

AI Titan SenseTime’s Cofounder, Hong Kong’s Professor Tang, Dies at 55

Hong Kong billionaire and AI pioneer Professor Tang Xiao’ou, co-founder of SenseTime, has passed away at the age of 55, following an unspecified illness. Tang also taught information engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to his death, Tang had amassed a net worth of $1.1 billion, in large part due to his … Read more AI Titan SenseTime’s Cofounder, Hong Kong’s Professor Tang, Dies at 55

AI Guru & SenseTime Founder Suffers Sudden Demise in China

Tang Xiao’ou, the founder of leading Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm SenseTime, and a prominent computer scientist, has passed away suddenly, the company announced. Tang, who was also an alumnus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and former professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded SenseTime in 2014. The cause of his … Read more AI Guru & SenseTime Founder Suffers Sudden Demise in China

AI: shaping the future with an impact on child development.

Key Points: The influence of AI on child development is raising concerns about young people being conditioned to avoid difficult feelings. A child’s interaction with AI could potentially affect their ability to sit alone with their thoughts and feelings. Research is being conducted to examine the effects of AI interaction on child development. With growing … Read more AI: shaping the future with an impact on child development.

AI tech in Japan crafts first-ever mind pictures

Japanese scientists revealed that they have succeeded in creating the world’s first mental images of objects and landscapes from human brain activity using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This innovation, known as “brain decoding”, holds potential in the medical and welfare fields. Here are the key points: A team of scientists from the National Institutes for … Read more AI tech in Japan crafts first-ever mind pictures

AI steps into Santa’s boots this festive season.

AI-powered gift-giving chatbots eliminate the stress traditionally associated with holiday gift shopping by providing tailored recommendations, offering a more streamlined and efficient experience for consumers. However, concerns are mounting about potential risks, including inherent biases in the technology, the depersonalization of the gift-giving process, and the distribution of misinformation. Google has upgraded its AI-powered Generative … Read more AI steps into Santa’s boots this festive season.

Can AI’s hunger for energy ever be satiated?

• Key points: Artificial Intelligence systems are increasingly demanding a high amount of electricity. Some experts predict this global energy demand to require power generation equal to that of a small country soon. The rising electrification demand of AI coincides with the world’s efforts to switch to cleaner energy amidst climate change. One growing issue … Read more Can AI’s hunger for energy ever be satiated?

AI Health Alert: 2023 Word of the Year – Hallucinate.

Key Points: has named ‘hallucinate’ as its 2023 Word of the Year, defining it in terms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) producing false information contrarily to the user’s intentions. Increasing proliferation of AI has led to a rise in misinformation, creating significant health implications. The World Health Organization and the American Medical Association have issued … Read more AI Health Alert: 2023 Word of the Year – Hallucinate.

AI crosses line, triggering parent fury over daughter victimization

Key Points: A group of students at Pinecrest Cove Academy in Miami have been suspended for using artificial intelligence software to superimpose the faces of female classmates onto nude bodies. Parents of the victims are calling for the perpetrators to be expelled from school. According to CBS News Miami, a group of Pinecrest Cove Academy … Read more AI crosses line, triggering parent fury over daughter victimization