In the AI age, did human skills fall by the wayside?

In the era of AI, there seems to be a forgotten focus on human skills. AI is predicted to have a significant impact on the labor market with an estimated $4.1 trillion economic effect and 44% of all labor globally likely to be affected, according to Morgan Stanley. However, it’s important to remember the value of human skills and qualities in managing this upcoming change.

  • Human skills, often referred to as “soft skills”, provide a balance to technical skills. These skills become more critical in an AI environment as robots and algorithms rely on human inputs and cannot process emotions.
  • The top five human skills necessary for AI to thrive include a growth mindset, managing change and uncertainty, emotional agility, empathy, and vulnerability.
  • Organizations can benefit from creating a balance between technical and human skills in the workplace, which can help to increase retention, boost productivity and enhance the quality of work performance.
  • Leaders who embrace human skills along with technical skills are more likely to thrive in an uncertain future marked by rapid technological change.

As AI technology continues to take center stage, it’s important to not forget the value of human skills in ensuring smooth transitions and complementing technological advancements. Instead of viewing AI as a threat to job security, it could be seen as a pivot point, stimulating a re-focus on human skills in conjunction with technical skills.

Humans excel at various processes that AI cannot replicate, such as emotional agility, empathy, exhibiting a growth mindset and managing uncertainty and change. Rather than seeing AI as an either/or scenario, leaders can strive to strike a balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and maintaining the core human skills necessary for a productive and inclusive work environment.

In conclusion, while AI will undoubtedly change the way we work, it’s the balance between human and technical skills that will define our success in this evolving landscape. As we shape the future of work, let’s ensure that the ‘human’ in human resources is not forgotten.

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