Unleash AI power: patience, partnerships empower strategic integration.

Integrating AI in healthcare requires a strategic approach focused on patient needs and successful partnerships, according to panelists at the HIMSS AI Conference in San Diego. Healthcare providers should determine strategic priorities and set clear goals for AI investment and implementation. Adopting AI can increase provider productivity, support clinician quality of life, and improve back-end … Read more Unleash AI power: patience, partnerships empower strategic integration.

Knight Center 2023: Pioneering AI training fuels journalism’s future.

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas led pioneering AI training for thousands of journalists in 2023, focusing on the understanding and implication of AI in the news industry. Four instructor-led online courses, three self-directed courses , a multilingual webinar, and a panel discussion titled “How can journalism incorporate AI, including generative tools like … Read more Knight Center 2023: Pioneering AI training fuels journalism’s future.

AI and Spend Management Revolution in 2024 Forecast

Key Points: In 2024, advancements in AI are expected to drive virtual payments and predictive analytics in spend management. AI will transform spend management by enabling near-immediate reimbursement and automated audits for business expenses. Predictive analytics tools will emerge in 2024, allowing for data-backed recommendations to improve business operations. Generative AI will become more widely … Read more AI and Spend Management Revolution in 2024 Forecast

New Jersey university welcomes groundbreaking AI hub soon.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Princeton University leaders have announced the establishment of a formal hub for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development. The initiative aims to position New Jersey as the East Coast’s answer to Silicon Valley in emerging technology. This AI center is a collaborative venture between state government, the Ivy League … Read more New Jersey university welcomes groundbreaking AI hub soon.

Unlocking Secrets: SEO Mastery for AI Search Revealed by Researchers

Researchers have discovered ways to optimize a website for artificial intelligence (AI) search, significantly increasing its visibility. The Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) technique developed by the team can increase visibility of smaller lower-ranked websites by 115%, thereby enabling them to perform better than larger corporate websites in search results. Three optimization strategies particularly worked across … Read more Unlocking Secrets: SEO Mastery for AI Search Revealed by Researchers

OpenAI remixes David vs Goliath: a fresh spin on AI supervision

OpenAI, a leading researcher in artificial general intelligence (AGI), has introduced the concept of “superalignment”: using less capable AI to supervise and control more advanced AI systems, which the organization refers to as superintelligent AI. OpenAI’s theoretical superintelligent AI would far surpass human capabilities, rendering traditional supervision techniques like reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) … Read more OpenAI remixes David vs Goliath: a fresh spin on AI supervision

Accessorize every possession, transforming them with artificial intelligence footwear.

• Scientists from the U.S. have developed microchips smaller than a dime that can hold artificial intelligence (AI) programs. • The company behind this innovation, Aizip, predicts these chips could be used in everyday items such as shoes and microwaves. • Unlike large AI models which require massive data centers, these tiny AI tools can … Read more Accessorize every possession, transforming them with artificial intelligence footwear.

AI nudifies classmates, lands Florida students in hot water.

Two students from a charter school in Miami have been accused of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create explicit photos of their classmates. The students allegedly sourced images from the school’s social media account, and manipulated them with an application that attaches faces to AI-generated bodies. The incident, which involved nearly two dozen classmates, has … Read more AI nudifies classmates, lands Florida students in hot water.