Windows users embrace Audacity with Intel’s OpenVINO AI tools—Unleash endless possibilities!


  • The Audacity audio software program now includes new OpenVINO AI effects for users on Windows.
  • The new features include Noise Suppression and Transcription useful for podcasts, and Music Generation, Music Style Remix, and Music Separation, useful for music.

The Audacity audio software program has added new OpenVINO AI effects for its Windows users. These new features include Noise Suppression and Transcription, which are useful for podcasts, as well as Music Generation, Music Style Remix, and Music Separation, which are helpful for music editing. OpenVINO is an Intel toolkit that allows deep learning models to run on Intel hardware. These new features leverage AI that can run directly on users’ hardware.

The Noise Suppression feature of Audacity, powered by Whisper.cpp, suppresses noise in audio recordings. The Transcription feature, also powered by Whisper.cpp, can transcribe and translate words and output them to a label track. Music Generation and Music Style Remix use Stable Diffusion and Riffusion, respectively, to generate new music based on a prompt or pre-existing music. Music Separation can split a song into its vocal and instrumental parts or into vocals, drums, bass, and a combined “anything else” part, making it ideal for creating covers and playalongs.

To use these OpenVINO plugins, users need to download them from Intel’s GitHub page. However, the manual compilation of these plugins is required for Linux installations of Audacity. It is expected that someone in the Linux community will compile and distribute them through different channels.

Audacity is a popular open-source audio editing software widely used in the Linux community. These new AI tools enhance the program’s functionality and provide users with more advanced audio editing capabilities.