Nvidia AI tool wins me over!


  • Nvidia has released a new AI tool called Chat with RTX that allows users to train their own local chatbot with their own files.
  • The tool can answer questions based on the information provided and can be a useful memory aid for organizing and accessing large amounts of data.

Nvidia has launched a new AI tool called Chat with RTX that allows users to train their own local chatbot using their own files. Unlike other chatbot tools that rely on cloud services, Chat with RTX operates locally, making it a versatile and privacy-friendly option for users.

With Chat with RTX, users can input various types of files and documents, such as PDFs or transcripts, and the AI tool will generate responses to questions based on the information it has learned. In a test using the Epic v. Google legal complaint PDF, the tool was able to provide accurate answers to questions about Epic Games’ allegations against Google.

However, the tool also had its limitations, as it mistakenly identified Framework’s Nirav Patel as the CEO of The Verge. This error occurred due to a misinterpretation of a YouTube transcript that mentioned “framework ceo narav patel.” Nvidia clarified that the AI likely did not understand that Framework is a separate company.

Despite this minor glitch, Chat with RTX can still be a useful tool for organizing and accessing large amounts of data. Users can use it as a memory aid for old notepad files or other information they may need to reference frequently. The AI tool can quickly scan and retrieve relevant information, making it a valuable tool for researchers, journalists, or anyone working with extensive data.

One of the key advantages of Chat with RTX is its local operation. Unlike other AI tools that rely on cloud services, Chat with RTX operates entirely on the user’s device, ensuring privacy and security. This makes it an attractive option for those who are concerned about data privacy and want to keep their information localized.

Nvidia’s Chat with RTX is an exciting development in the field of AI tools, offering users the ability to train their own chatbots with their own files. Whether used as a memory aid or for organizing large amounts of data, this local AI tool has the potential to be a valuable asset for users seeking a privacy-friendly option for their AI needs.