Federal Reserve’s chief, Jerome Powell, talks modernizing with AI research.


  • Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has stated that the central bank has been researching the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employment, wealth distribution, and productivity in the United States.
  • The research is part of the Fed’s broader efforts to understand and adapt to advancements in technology that could have significant economic consequences.

The Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the United States, has been conducting research on the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various aspects of the economy. In an interview at Spelman College, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell discussed the central bank’s efforts to understand and adapt to advancements in technology.

According to Powell, the Fed has specifically been researching the potential impact of AI on employment, the distribution of wealth, and productivity in the United States. The rise of AI technologies has raised concerns about job displacement and income inequality, and the Fed is seeking to better understand these potential effects.

One of the key areas of interest for the Fed is the impact of AI on employment. Powell acknowledged that AI has the potential to automate routine tasks and displace certain jobs. However, he also emphasized that AI can enhance productivity and create new types of jobs. The Fed’s research aims to uncover the net effect of these factors on the overall employment landscape.

In addition to employment, the Fed is examining how AI could affect the distribution of wealth. Powell noted that AI could potentially exacerbate income inequality if the benefits are concentrated in the hands of a few. The Fed’s research aims to understand how different segments of the population may be impacted by AI advancements and how policy interventions can address any potential inequalities.

Furthermore, the Fed is studying the potential impact of AI on productivity. Powell mentioned that AI has the potential to significantly improve productivity by automating tasks and enabling more accurate decision-making. However, he also highlighted the need for businesses and workers to adapt to these changes to fully realize the benefits of AI.

Powell emphasized that the Fed’s research on AI is part of its broader efforts to monitor and adapt to technological advancements that could have significant economic consequences. He stated that the central bank is committed to understanding these developments and incorporating them into its economic models and policy frameworks.

The Federal Reserve’s interest in AI reflects the growing recognition of the potential economic impact of advanced technologies. By researching and understanding these impacts, the Fed aims to ensure that monetary policies and regulations remain relevant and effective in an evolving technological landscape.