Education Dept green-lights public AI systems – conditions apply.

  • The United States Education Department has conditionally approved the use of public generative AI systems.
  • The department is also developing other AI initiatives, including enterprise generative AI platform and comprehensive AI guidance.
  • While the department does not have a formal agreement with generative AI software companies, it is crafting guidance and policy that aligns with the recent executive order on AI.
  • No current uses of generative AI within the department are known. However, a mechanism for reviewing and approving future uses of the technology is being established.
  • Vijay Sharma, the agency’s chief technology officer, has been appointed as the chief AI officer.

The Education Department’s move to conditionally approve public generative AI systems demonstrates an increasing interest in and investment in AI technology. This decision aligns with the recent executive order issued by the Biden administration which encourages federal agencies to adopt AI technology, while also discouraging any broad general bans or blocks on the tech.

Further evidencing their commitment to AI, the Education Department has recently appointed Vijay Sharma, the existing chief technology officer, as the chief AI officer. Alongside this, the agency is also working on creating comprehensive AI guidance and is in talks with the vendor community to develop an enterprise generative AI platform.

It is important to note that there aren’t any formal agreements with generative AI software companies. However, the department has released initial guidance for AI technology to all employees and contractors and is working on developing comprehensive AI policy.

Currently, no known uses of generative AI within the department have been disclosed. The department is in the process of setting up a mechanism for reviewing and approving requests for the future use of generative AI.

These initiatives undertaken by the Education Department serve as a reflection of the increasing role of AI across different federal agencies. Each agency is crafting its unique approach towards implementing and integrating AI technologies, in alignment with the executive order.