Automated testing: UK retailers powered up, leaving rivals behind.

Key points:

  • Automated testing is helping UK retailers gain a competitive edge
  • 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned by customers due to website defects

In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, retailers need to ensure a flawless and consistent online shopping experience for their customers. Quality engineering and test automation play a crucial role in achieving this. Test automation is the process of running automated tests using technology to identify bugs and defects without human intervention. By automating repetitive tasks, retailers can save time and money compared to manual testing. Test automation also allows vendors to respond quickly to changing market trends and customer demands, leading to increased conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Test automation can also improve accuracy by ensuring consistent and accurate completion of tasks, reducing the risk of costly mistakes. However, it’s important to note that test automation cannot automate everything, and manual testing is still necessary in instances where human intuition, creativity, and exploration are required. A blended approach, leveraging the strengths of both manual and automated testing, allows retailers to automate where possible and free up manual testing resources for more complex projects.

Investing in quality assurance and test automation provides retailers with a bug-free online shopping experience, which reduces cart abandonment, boosts sales, and enhances customer satisfaction. By fixing problems before they impact revenue and brand reputation, retailers can lay the foundation for a successful e-commerce venture that fosters customer loyalty and repeat business.