AI Hunger Games: Coming soon, ready to revolutionize your workplace.

Key points:

  • A new study predicts 85 million jobs will be eliminated by 2025, with one-third of all entry-level roles potentially being automated.
  • Junior employees armed with generative artificial intelligence (AI) may potentially replace their first-line managers.

According to a new research report by Oliver Wyman Forum, titled “How Generative AI Is Transforming Business And Society,” 85 million jobs are predicted to be eliminated by 2025. One-third of all entry-level roles could be automated, and junior employees armed with generative artificial intelligence (AI) may potentially replace their first-line managers, leading to a hollowing out of organizations. This has been referred to as the “AI Hunger Games,” where employees need to demonstrate superior skills with AI tools to survive and thrive in the new AI world.

In the United States, employees who are concerned about AI are 68 percent more likely to feel tense or stressed out during the workday than those who aren’t worried. Acquiring AI skills is crucial for survival and success in the workplace. However, gaining AI literacy is not easy and requires significant effort and time. Mastery of AI tools comes from love and dedication, and individuals must find an AI tool they enjoy and go deep with it to unlock its mysteries.

At a societal level, the report emphasizes the need to train 100 million people worldwide to develop serious AI skills over the next 18-24 months. This is a significant challenge, especially considering the complacency and lack of awareness about the risk of severe societal disruption due to AI. However, the report suggests that humans have amazing capabilities and can learn new skills within a short period of time. It is possible to achieve mass AI literacy within a century, similar to how humans have evolved to become capable race car drivers today.

The report concludes that individuals and society as a whole need to shift their mindset to one of winning and regain their collective fighting spirit. The future of work will be shaped by AI, and it is essential for individuals to acquire AI skills to survive and thrive in the new AI world.