Tom Brady hitches the AI train ride (for a fee)


Tom Brady is utilizing AI in his preparation for his broadcasting career on Fox. Despite already having a deep knowledge of football, he sees the value in using AI to better understand matchups and plays. His appearance at events like Cisco Live comes at a cost, showcasing his business appeal and ability to draw crowds. However, some question the true value he brings outside of football due to his association with past business ventures like FTX. Ultimately, while Brady may not be the best person to ask about AI, his utilization of the technology highlights its growing importance in various industries.

Article Summary:

Tom Brady is leveraging AI in his broadcasting career preparation and business ventures, showcasing the technology’s growing importance. Despite his extensive knowledge of football, he sees the value in using AI to enhance his understanding of the game. His appearances at events like Cisco Live come with a high price tag, demonstrating his business appeal. However, some question his value outside of football due to past business missteps like FTX. While Brady may not be the go-to person for AI insights, his use of the technology highlights its relevance in different fields.