Tech firms unite against AI election manipulation with groundbreaking accord.


  • At least six major technology companies, including Adobe, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, and TikTok, plan to sign an agreement to combat the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to disrupt democratic elections.
  • The companies are working together to prevent AI-generated election trickery and will present details of the agreement at the Munich Security Conference.
  • Attempts at AI-generated election interference have already been seen, including AI robocalls imitating the voice of U.S. President Joe Biden to discourage voting in New Hampshire’s primary election.
  • The companies have implemented safeguards on their own generative-AI tools and are exploring ways to identify and label AI-generated content to inform social media users of its authenticity.

At least six major technology companies, including Adobe, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, and TikTok, are planning to sign an agreement to combat the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to disrupt democratic elections. The agreement will guide the companies in their efforts to prevent AI-generated election trickery. The announcement comes at a time when more than 50 countries are set to hold national elections in 2024.

The companies are working together to tackle the deceptive use of AI targeted at voters and intend to present the details of the agreement at the Munich Security Conference. While the specific content of the agreement has not been disclosed, the companies have already taken steps to implement safeguards on their own generative-AI tools. These measures aim to prevent the manipulation of images and sound and ensure that users are aware if the content they are consuming is AI-generated.

AI-generated election interference has already been observed, with AI robocalls imitating the voice of U.S. President Joe Biden used to discourage people from voting in New Hampshire’s primary election. The upcoming agreement between the tech companies represents their collective effort to address this issue and prevent further instances of AI-generated election trickery.