Reviving programmer Ada Lovelace with the magic of AI technology.


Artist and creative technologist, Marco Tempest, uses real-time AI storytelling to bring Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, to life. Using Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace architecture, Tempest creates a performance piece showcasing Lovelace’s vision of machines capable of creating art.

Key Elements of the Article:

  • Marco Tempest reanimates Ada Lovelace using real-time AI storytelling.
  • Tempest utilizes open-source software, custom apps, and various technologies to bring Lovelace to life.
  • Lovelace, known as the first programmer, envisioned machines capable of creating art.
  • Tempest’s work combines illusion with emerging technologies to create immersive user experiences.
  • Tempest aims to inspire and communicate effectively through his innovative use of digital technologies.

The artist and creative technologist Marco Tempest brings Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, to life using real-time AI storytelling. Tempest, known for his work with digital technologies and immersive experiences, utilizes Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace architecture to showcase Lovelace’s vision of machines capable of creating art. Lovelace, who met scientist Charles Babbage at a young age and worked on programming punch cards for the “Difference Engine,” had a vision for machines that could create art.

Tempest’s method involves using open-source software, custom apps, and various technologies to capture his performance through an iPhone and deliver real-time storytelling with AI. By combining illusion with emerging technologies, Tempest creates immersive user experiences that offer valuable insights into how people interact with new technologies. Through his work, Tempest aims to inspire and effectively communicate complex topics, showcasing the power of storytelling with AI.