QC Design’s Plaquette+ – Automating Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Design

QC Design recently launched Plaquette+, a pioneering design automation tool that can accommodate fault-tolerant quantum computers. This tool is the first of its kind and allows for the design of fault-tolerant quantum computers across all compatible platforms. Main features include:

  • Advanced fault-tolerance methods and hardware-specific error models
  • Analysis of arbitrary hardware imperfections in thousands of qubits
  • A built-in library of fault tolerance methods
  • Capability to run fault tolerance experiments on actual quantum hardware
  • User-friendly interface with comprehensive documentation and tutorials

The primary aim of Plaquette+ is to equip hardware manufacturers with the power to design logical-qubit demonstrations and fault-tolerance architectures seamlessly. QC Design highlights that the software is hardware friendly and provides insightful data, making it a valuable tool in the quantum computing industry.
The first sale of Plaquette+ has been made to QuiX Quantum, Europe’s leading company in photonic quantum computing.

With Plaquette+, QC Design aims to bridge the gap between quantum computing concepts and real-world applications, and the software is available via a license from the company. Hence, this tool marks a significant step forward in the quantum computing industry by offering a reliable, industry-grade design automation tool for fault-tolerant quantum computers.