Over half of CA voters fret over AI swiping jobs.

About half of California voters are worried that artificial intelligence (AI) will cost them their jobs, according to a poll by Politico/Morning Consult. The poll asked California voters how concerned they are about losing their jobs to AI in the next five years. The results showed that 22% of respondents were “Very concerned,” 29% were “Somewhat concerned,” 26% were “Not too concerned,” and 24% were “Not concerned at all.”

The same poll found that 43% of respondents believe AI will have a positive impact on their lives, while 39% believe it will have a negative impact. Tech expert Ahmed Banafa says that the fear of job loss due to AI is legitimate, as AI is focused on efficiency and doing things faster, more accurately, and cheaper. He encourages employees to embrace AI and work together with it, rather than seeing it as a threat.

A study by the Pew Research Center found that in 2022, 19% of American workers were in jobs that are the most exposed to AI. These are jobs in which AI could replace or assist the most important activities. Some high-exposure jobs include budget analysts, tax preparers, and web developers, while low-exposure jobs include barbers, child care workers, and firefighters. Regardless of exposure, officials at different levels are working to protect jobs.

In California, the legislature is set to vote on proposals in its next session to address AI-related issues, such as AI use in the hiring process and displacement of workers. State Assemblyman Ash Kalra introduced proposed legislation following the SAG-AFTRA strikes that would place requirements on studios regarding the use of AI to replicate a performer’s likeness. The goal is to protect jobs in various industries, not just the entertainment industry.

The article emphasizes the need for employees to embrace AI and work together with it. It also highlights the efforts of officials to protect jobs and regulate AI use in various industries. Overall, the article addresses the concerns and impacts of AI on jobs and discusses potential solutions and approaches to AI integration in the workforce.