McDonald’s gets quirky, testing job seekers with AI personality quizzes.

TLDR: McDonald’s, Olive Garden, and FedEx are requiring job applicants to take AI personality tests as part of their hiring process., a “conversational recruiting software” company, is providing these tests, which include strange personality assessments featuring images of blue-skinned humanoid aliens. The tests ask applicants to identify with the images and respond with “Me” or “Not Me.” The effectiveness of such personality tests in the hiring process has been disputed, but companies continue to use them. also offers an AI chatbot, called Olivia, to guide users through the application process.

McDonald’s, Olive Garden, and FedEx are among the companies requiring job applicants to take AI personality tests as part of their hiring process., a company that offers “conversational recruiting software,” provides these tests. The tests include strange personality assessments that feature images of blue-skinned humanoid aliens, and applicants are instructed to respond with “Me” or “Not Me” based on their identification with these images.’s personality tests have gained popularity in hiring processes over the past few decades, but their effectiveness has been disputed. However, companies continue to use them, despite academic criticism. also offers an AI chatbot called Olivia, which is designed to guide users through the application process. However, little information is provided about how the chatbot determines its recommendations or its criteria for decision-making.