Generative AI: Unlocking jobs or automation alarm?

Generative AI has the potential to create more jobs than it eliminates, according to Tech Mahindra’s outgoing CEO, CP Gurnani. He highlighted that the full potential of generative AI is still being defined, which suggests that there is untapped potential for job creation. Gurnani also emphasized that skilled professionals will remain irreplaceable, and that new jobs will be created as the market expands. This optimistic outlook is shared by other industry leaders, such as NR Narayana Murthy, Co-Founder of Infosys. So far, studies have found no significant job losses directly attributable to generative AI automation.

Gurnani stressed the importance of lifelong learning and independent skill development for young engineers to adapt to the changing workforce. He suggested a departure from the conventional approach of campus recruitment and centralized training, signaling a shift towards a more skill-oriented approach in Indian IT organizations.