Don’t miss out on the A3 Business Forum’s must-see keynotes and sessions.

Gain inspiration and crucial insight into the automation market from industry leaders at this year’s A3 Business Forum. Over 700 of the automation industry’s top executives will converge at the A3 Business Forum January 15–17, 2024 in Orlando, Florida for three days of networking, keynote sessions, and entertainment.

Here are some of the highlights from this year’s agenda:

  • The 2024 Global Economic Outlook with Alan Beaulieu
  • The Users Speak: The Next Automation Challenges
  • Cybercrime, Identity Theft and Scams with Frank Abagnale

Alan Beaulieu, principal at ITR Economics, will deliver his global economic outlook for the year ahead. He will touch on the industries that have the most opportunity for growth and explain how to use a decline to your advantage and prepare for the future. Beaulieu’s presentation is a valuable asset when strategizing for the year ahead.

The panel discussion, “The Users Speak: The Next Automation Challenges”, will feature Adi Leviatan of 3M, Gregory Brown of UPS, and Stephen Fischer of Mayo Clinic. These leaders will share their knowledge and expertise solving the biggest challenges they face in automation and provide advice on how to overcome these obstacles.

Frank Abagnale, known as one of the world’s most famous con men, will discuss the importance of keeping personal data secure and explore the challenges we face with emerging technologies. Abagnale believes that education is the most important tool to fighting crime, and he plans to provide valuable information to the audience at the A3 Business Forum.

Other sessions at the forum include presentations on automation statistics, trends, and key markets, becoming an idea factory, building your workforce pipeline, and exploring emerging applications in robotics and automation. There will also be sessions on humanoid robotics and navigating the AI landscape.

If you’re interested in attending the A3 Business Forum, you can register on their website. The forum offers unparalleled access to industry experts and insight, providing valuable education and inspiration for leading organizations in the automation industry.