Doc producers drop fresh ethical AI norms for filmmakers.

Documentary Producers Release New Ethical AI Guidelines


  • Documentary producers release ethical AI guidelines for filmmakers in response to concerns over AI-generated material.
  • The guidelines focus on transparency, legal considerations, and ethical creating of human simulations in nonfiction filmmaking.

Article Summary:

Over a year after the Hollywood strikes drew attention to the industry’s use of AI, documentary filmmakers are now grappling with how to ethically use generative AI in their work. The Archival Producers Alliance (APA), comprised of over 300 documentary producers, has developed a set of ethical guidelines to address the concerns surrounding the use of AI in nonfiction film. The guidelines emphasize the importance of transparency, legal considerations, and ethical creation of human simulations.

The guidelines, endorsed by prominent documentary organizations and filmmakers, aim to uphold the journalistic values of the documentary community while navigating the potential risks and benefits of generative AI. By focusing on primary sources, transparency, legal and ethical considerations, filmmakers are urged to carefully consider the impact of AI-generated material on the historical record and audience trust.

The guidelines specifically address the use of deepfakes in documentaries and highlight the potential of AI to protect the identities of at-risk subjects. While acknowledging the creative possibilities of AI, the APA emphasizes the need for human discernment in the filmmaking process to maintain the reliability and trustworthiness of documentary storytelling.