Dell EMEA CTO: AI and Multi-cloud are the Future!


  • Elliott Young, CTO of Dell Technologies EMEA, discusses the use of AI and multi-cloud in businesses.
  • Generative AI can be run across multiple environments effectively using the multi-cloud approach.

Elliott Young, CTO of Dell Technologies EMEA, joined the AI Business podcast to talk about the use of AI and multi-cloud in businesses. He emphasized the importance of leveraging AI effectively to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

According to Young, one of the key challenges in implementing AI is the ability to run generative AI models across multiple environments. Generative AI, including language models like ChatGPT, has the potential to revolutionize industries, but it requires significant computational resources and expertise to implement effectively.

Young discussed how Dell Technologies is addressing this challenge by adopting a multi-cloud approach. The multi-cloud approach involves using multiple cloud providers, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, to distribute the computational workload and enable seamless integration of AI capabilities. This allows businesses to take advantage of different cloud providers’ strengths and benefits without being locked into a single provider.

Young highlighted the benefits of the multi-cloud approach for running generative AI models. It offers improved scalability, flexibility, and reliability, as businesses can tap into the resources of multiple cloud providers. This ensures that businesses have sufficient computational power and storage to handle the demands of running AI models, even during peak periods.

Additionally, the multi-cloud approach provides businesses with a level of redundancy and resilience. If one cloud provider experiences an outage or performance issue, businesses can quickly switch to another provider without any disruption to their AI operations.

Young emphasized that businesses need to carefully consider their AI infrastructure and choose cloud providers that can meet their specific requirements. Factors such as computational power, storage capacity, and data privacy and security should be taken into account.

In conclusion, Young emphasized the importance of adopting a multi-cloud approach to effectively run generative AI models. He highlighted the benefits of scalability, flexibility, reliability, redundancy, and resilience that this approach offers businesses. By leveraging the resources and capabilities of multiple cloud providers, businesses can harness the full potential of AI and gain a competitive advantage in the market.