Deepfake AI: Shaping the 2024 election?


  • Nearly half of American voters believe deepfakes will have a negative impact on the 2024 presidential election.
  • A majority of respondents struggle to differentiate between AI-generated images and human-created images.

A recent poll of 2,000 registered American voters revealed that 43% believe AI-generated content will negatively impact the outcome of the 2024 election. The study also found that respondents had difficulty distinguishing between AI-generated images and human-created images, with only a third of respondents able to accurately identify AI-generated images.

The survey highlighted concerns about AI-generated content being used to spread misinformation in political campaigns, with 78% of respondents worried about the authenticity of political content online. Additionally, 85% of respondents expressed low confidence in political campaigns effectively protecting personal information, raising cybersecurity concerns.

Respondents indicated that their top cybersecurity concerns during the 2024 election season include the risk of politicians being hacked to spread false information and the perceived lack of cybersecurity measures by political campaigns. Suggestions to address these concerns included implementing strong security measures and cybersecurity protocols.

Public perception of cybersecurity incidents was found to have a significant impact on electoral outcomes, with 36% of respondents stating that their opinion of a candidate would change following a cybersecurity incident. The study emphasized the importance of political campaigns adopting modern cybersecurity practices to build trust with voters and protect personal information.