Augury’s Brian Fitzgerald reveals 2024’s manufacturing revolution: AI + workforce mobility!

Key Points:

  • In 2024, manufacturers will focus on advanced automation, worker mobility, and a shift in focus from AI to business outcomes.
  • Augury plans to develop production health, expand geographically, and integrate new AI capabilities in 2024.

In a recent interview, Brian Fitzgerald, Chief Revenue Officer at Augury, shares his predictions for the manufacturing industry in 2024. He highlights three key areas that will shape the industry: advanced automation, worker mobility, and a shift in focus from AI to business outcomes.

Currently, most manufacturing industries are applying Industries 2.0 and 3.0 to their work, but with the rise of AI, the conversation is quickly moving towards Industry 5.0. Fitzgerald predicts that there will be more discussions around the integration of AI into everyday work. This advanced automation will allow for more efficient and productive manufacturing processes.

Worker mobility is another area that will shape the manufacturing industry in 2024. The idea of working at the same company for 30 years is becoming outdated, and the mobile culture of changing jobs every few years will inevitably reach the manufacturing sector. Companies will need to reconsider their workforce and find ways to retain employees while benefiting from the strengths of new workers.

Additionally, Fitzgerald predicts a shift in focus from AI to the business outcomes it enables. While AI has been a significant topic in the manufacturing industry, there will be a greater emphasis on how AI can improve efficiency, productivity, and sustainability within the industry.

As for Augury’s plans for 2024, Fitzgerald states that the company will focus on developing production health, which combines machine and process insights. This integrated approach will allow manufacturers to improve business outcomes, provide new skills to workers, and meet sustainability targets. Augury also plans to expand geographically and bring their AI solutions to factories in new countries.

Fitzgerald mentions that Augury is working on new ways to integrate AI capabilities into their customers’ production environment. This suggests that the company is dedicated to staying ahead of technological advancements and providing innovative solutions to their customers.

Overall, Fitzgerald’s predictions reflect the ongoing evolution of the manufacturing industry. The integration of AI, worker mobility, and a shift in focus towards business outcomes will likely shape the industry in 2024. Companies like Augury are at the forefront of this evolution, providing AI solutions that can improve production health and drive business success.