AI Election Apocalypse: Not Here, But Lurking Near!


  • This article discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the 2024 U.S. election.
  • The authors predict that AI-powered deepfakes are unlikely to significantly disrupt the election.
  • They highlight concerns about robocalls using audio deepfakes but downplay the risks of video deepfakes.
  • They suggest that AI could actually benefit democracy by making campaign messages more easily translatable into multiple languages.
  • The article also covers other subjects, such as the chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission’s stance on net neutrality and the blurring of boundaries between celebrities and civilians on TikTok.

Welcome to your Weekend. In this article, the authors discuss the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the 2024 U.S. election. They argue against the idea that AI-powered deepfakes will significantly disrupt the election, highlighting concerns about robocalls made with audio deepfakes but downplaying the risks of video deepfakes. They even suggest that AI could benefit democracy by making campaign messages more easily translatable into multiple languages.

The article also covers other subjects, such as the chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission’s stance on net neutrality and the blurring of boundaries between celebrities and civilians on TikTok.