AI chatbot dreams DEI, trainers intervene to uncover reality.


Key Points:

  • Google’s AI bot, Gemini, generated inappropriate images of a 1943 German soldier, leading to a diversity backlash.
  • The response from Google and Financial Times reflects the importance of diversity in AI image generation.

An AI bot hallucinating about diversity and its trainers intervening shows the limitations of artificial intelligence and the danger of artificial diversity. The incident with Google’s AI bot Gemini generating images of Nazi soldiers in response to a query for a 1943 German soldier sparked controversy and led to a pause in people image generation. The bot’s trainers were likely trying to ensure diverse representation, but the incident highlights the complexities of pushing diversity in AI.

Humans and AI have different capacities, with humans being able to think for themselves and make ethical decisions. Adam Smith’s model of a self-regulating society based on free interaction and cooperation contrasts with the limitations of AI in understanding concepts like efficient diversity. While AI can be useful, it is unlikely to make groundbreaking discoveries in social theory.

ChatGPT 4’s attempt to create an ideal society image reflects the challenges of attributing opinions to AI trainers and the complexities of balancing freedom, equality, and sustainability. The incident with Gemini underscores the need for further discussion on the role of diversity in AI image generation and the limitations of AI in understanding complex societal concepts.