AI chatbot crafted my New Year’s resolutions—here’s what happened!

Key Points:

  • The author used an AI chatbot to create their New Year’s resolutions.
  • The chatbot helped the author identify four key areas for improvement: physical health, relationships, fun and recreation, and personal growth.
  • Within each key area, the chatbot provided specific goals and explained how they would improve the author’s life.
  • The author plans to further refine their resolutions with the help of the chatbot.

Every year, people struggle to keep their New Year’s resolutions, often forgetting about them by February. The author of this article decided to use an AI chatbot, called Bard, to help create a more achievable list of resolutions. Bard suggested that the author focus on four key areas: physical health, relationships, fun and recreation, and personal growth. Within each area, Bard provided specific goals and explained the benefits they would bring to the author’s life.

For physical health, Bard suggested a solo backpacking trip. This goal would not only improve the author’s physical health but also provide an opportunity for adventure and self-discovery. In the area of relationships, Bard recommended organizing a surprise family reunion. This goal would strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories. For fun and recreation, Bard suggested learning to juggle, which would bring joy and provide a sense of accomplishment. Finally, in the area of personal growth, Bard recommended learning a new language to expand the author’s horizons and improve cognitive abilities.

The author was pleased with the initial progress made with Bard’s help but plans to further refine their resolutions. They are looking for additional guidance on how to organize and budget for their goals. Despite the assistance of AI, the author acknowledges that the ultimate success of their resolutions lies in their own commitment and effort.