AI Buzz: Unleashing Epic Updates in Machine Learning, Robotics, and Automation

Key Points:

  • NTT DOCOMO has unveiled a human-augmentation platform that enables taste information to be shared between people. The technology combines DOCOMO’s platform with Miyashita Laboratory and H2L’s technology for reproducing tastes.
  • Datalogic has acquired a minority stake in Oversonic Robotics, a software company developing cognitive computing systems for robotics with an Industry 5.0 perspective.
  • Deci has unveiled a 7 billion parameter language model, DeciLM-7B, which outperforms open-source models in both accuracy and efficiency.
  • Accenture has signed an agreement to acquire Customer Management IT and SirfinPA, two Italian technology consultancies specializing in justice and public safety and supporting the public sector.
  • Google has unveiled its top 10 news stories of 2023, highlighting its influence in shaping the future of technology.

NTT DOCOMO has partnered with Miyashita Laboratory and H2L to develop a human-augmentation platform that enables taste information to be shared between people. The technology combines DOCOMO’s platform with the partners’ technology for reproducing tastes, allowing individuals to experience and share the same taste sensations. This breakthrough development has implications for the food and beverage industry, as well as for individuals who may be unable to taste or have reduced taste sensitivity. The platform has the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with taste.

Datalogic, a leading provider of automatic data capture and industrial automation solutions, has made an investment in Oversonic Robotics. Oversonic Robotics is a software company that develops cognitive computing systems for robotics, with a focus on manufacturing facilities. Their flagship product, RoBee, is the first humanoid robot certified for work in manufacturing facilities with an Industry 5.0 perspective. Datalogic’s investment in Oversonic Robotics demonstrates their commitment to embracing artificial intelligence and robotics in the manufacturing sector. This partnership has the potential to accelerate advancements in automation and improve manufacturing processes.

Deci, a deep learning company specializing in AI model optimization, has unveiled DeciLM-7B, a 7 billion parameter language model. This model builds upon the success of Deci’s previous language model, DeciLM 6B, and sets new benchmarks for accuracy and efficiency in the large language model space. DeciLM-7B outperforms other prominent open-source models in terms of both accuracy and efficiency, making it an exciting development for the natural language processing field. This model has the potential to enhance various applications, including machine translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation.

Accenture has announced the acquisition of Customer Management IT and SirfinPA, two Italian technology consultancies specializing in justice and public safety and supporting the public sector. This acquisition expands Accenture’s capabilities in the public sector and strengthens its position as a leading provider of technology consulting services. The addition of Customer Management IT and SirfinPA’s expertise will enable Accenture to better serve clients in the justice and public safety sector, helping them leverage technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Google has released its top 10 news stories of 2023, showcasing the company’s influence in shaping the future of technology. The stories range from advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning to new product releases and partnerships. Google’s commitment to innovation and its impact on various industries are highlighted in these news stories, demonstrating the company’s ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of technology.