A Company Tried AI Influencer, It Went as Well as Expected


– Mahindra Racing attempted to use an AI-generated influencer named Ava Rose, but quickly discontinued the program due to backlash.
– The fake influencer lacked authenticity and engagement, and critics questioned the decision to create a fake female journalist instead of hiring a real one in a marginalized sport.

The recent introduction and subsequent retraction of “Ava Rose,” an AI-generated influencer, by Mahindra Racing sheds light on the complexities of digital communication and marketing in the age of social media and artificial intelligence. The character, designed to represent a female motorsports journalist, was met with substantial criticism due to its lack of authenticity and engagement. Critics questioned the company’s decision to create a fake female journalist instead of hiring a real one, particularly in a sport where women are often marginalized.

The backlash against the “Ava Rose” program highlights the ethical considerations of using AI in media and serves as a cautionary tale for other organizations considering similar approaches. The profile was criticized for its superficial content and disconnect from the sport of Formula E racing. Fans and enthusiasts were quick to point out the lack of genuine connection and engagement typically associated with human influencers, especially in a niche field like motorsports journalism.

The discontinuation of the “Ava Rose” program by Mahindra Racing reinforces the importance of authenticity and human connection in content creation and social media. This incident sparks a broader conversation about the implications of using AI in sensitive areas like sports journalism, where genuine connections with fans and audiences are highly valued.

This case also raises questions about the future use of AI in influencer marketing and the potential backlash that can arise from inauthentic and artificial content. As AI continues to evolve, it will be crucial for organizations and brands to navigate these ethical considerations and find ways to balance the benefits of AI-driven content creation with maintaining genuine connections and trust with their audiences.