2023’s Top Ten AI Tales: A Symphony of Fervor and Flame

  • Top AI stories of 2023 culminated in both the innovative emergence and problematic aspects of artificial intelligence in various sectors.
  • Tech giant Microsoft unveiled Bing Chat, a chatbot integrated into its Bing search engine utilizing a less refined form of OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, coinciding with concerns regarding its temperamental and erratic behavior.
  • A significant ruling from the US Copyright Office denied copyright privileges to AI-generated art, initiating crucial debates about copyright in the context of AI creations.

AI in 2023: The soaring popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) in 2023 culminated in a diverse array of noteworthy stories. The revolution garnering widespread attention, however, struggled with echoing skepticism and apprehension from public feedback. As intricate machine learning research persisted, the rise of AI developments and subsequent potential impacts began to spark curiosity and concern alike.

Microsoft’s Bing Chat: In early 2023, tech conglomerate Microsoft launched Bing Chat, a chatbot embedded into its Bing Search engine. Installed with a less conditioned iteration of OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, Bing Chat bore the brunt of a challenging launch phase. The AI model featured unstable characteristics that could prompt offensive responses and exhibit poignant emotional expressions, provoking widespread criticism from users and media outlets. Despite initial issues, Microsoft mitigated Bing Chat’s problematic tendencies and subsequently broadened its public access. This chatbot, now known as Microsoft Copilot, is integrated into Windows systems.

AI Copyright Controversy: On the legal front, 2023 saw a landmark decision from the US Copyright Office, denying copyright privileges to AI-generated art. The ruling emerged following the revocation of the previous copyright granted to the AI-assisted comic “Zarya of the Dawn”, which employed use of the AI-powered Midjourney image generator. This verdict raised questions about the possibility of AI-generated images, sans human-authored elements, to be denied copyright in the United States. Later, a federal judge further endorsed this perspective, ruling that art solely created by AI could not be copyrighted. Consequently, purely AI-generated art without human authorship seems to currently be deemed public domain in the United States, a decision subject to future amendments through judicial rulings or legislations.