AI pushing leaders to excel.

AI Pushing Leaders to Be Better


AI is driving humans to improve themselves by enhancing emotional intelligence, boosting creativity and innovation, improving decision-making, and encouraging ethical and social reflection among leaders.

Key Points:

  • AI is reshaping industries by automating routine tasks, allowing humans to focus on more complex parts of their jobs.
  • Leaders are pushed to develop emotional intelligence, creativity, better decision-making, and ethical reflections in the age of AI.

There seems to be two areas of thought when it comes to AI. Some people think the technology is going to take their job by replacing them. Others view AI as a tool to enhance their work by automating repetitive tasks. While I typically fall into the second school of thought, I think there’s another perspective worth exploring: how AI is driving humans to improve themselves. While we give AI prompts and train it to get better, it’s simultaneously improving our ability to give instructions and strengthening our critical thinking skills. But that’s not all. Because AI is a tool that allows people to focus on more creative, strategic, and high-value activities, it’s time to flex those muscles and strengthen them. This is especially true for leaders, who rely on their interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence to navigate the challenges that come from managing other people.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence:

AI is reshaping industries by automating routine tasks, allowing humans to focus on more complex parts of their jobs. Leaders need to upskill and reskill to stay relevant and develop emotional intelligence, which is an important skill for leadership in 2024 and beyond.

Boosting Creativity and Innovation:

AI is a powerful tool for enhancing human creativity. Through collaboration, AI can generate ideas that spark fresh perspectives and creativity. This collaboration also improves communication skills, which is beneficial for leaders in various industries.

Improving Decision-Making:

AI algorithms analyze data faster and more accurately than humans, leading to better decision-making. Retail leaders, for example, can integrate AI-driven insights to forecast demand, manage inventory, and boost customer satisfaction, pushing them to interpret complex data and adapt strategies.

Encouraging Ethical and Social Reflection:

As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, ethical and philosophical discussions about technology’s role in society are growing. Developers, policymakers, and society must consider the implications of AI and prioritize fairness and transparency. This encourages a conscious approach to technological advancement, pushing leaders to address biases and trust other sources of information.