Amazon’s security boss confident AI won’t cut cybersecurity jobs.

Amazon’s security chief on AI in cybersecurity


  • Amazon’s security chief believes AI won’t cause layoffs in cybersecurity
  • Global shortage of cyber professionals means there’s plenty of work to go around

Key Elements:

Amazon’s Chief Security Officer, Steve Schmidt, believes AI will not lead to layoffs in the cybersecurity industry. He argues that the shortage of cybersecurity professionals globally means that there is ample work to be done, with companies needing an additional 4 million cyber professionals to secure their systems.

Schmidt also mentioned that other chief security officers he has spoken with share the same sentiment and do not plan to cut staff due to AI technology. Layoffs in the security industry have occurred recently, but were mainly due to cost reduction reasons rather than the implementation of AI tools.

While AI can assist security engineers in their work, it also poses new challenges as hackers can also utilize AI to enhance their hacking capabilities. Schmidt views AI as a tool that can benefit smaller businesses without sophisticated defense systems by empowering them with AI products to enhance their security.

Despite some concerns about the impact of AI on the cybersecurity workforce, experts like Unal Tatar believe that AI won’t cause significant layoffs in the industry in the short term. However, there may be an impact on entry-level jobs if AI begins to take over responsibilities traditionally handled by early career security analysts.