OpenAI Chair Bret Taylor to step away from Sierra overlap.

– Bret Taylor, the Chair of OpenAI, has launched a new AI startup called Sierra.
– Sierra has already raised $110 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and Benchmark.
– Taylor does not see a conflict between his role at OpenAI and at Sierra and will recuse himself whenever there is potential overlap.

Bret Taylor, the Chair of OpenAI, has launched a new AI startup called Sierra. Sierra, which was co-founded by Taylor and former Google exec Clay Bavor, focuses on building AI chatbots for businesses. The startup has already raised $110 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and Benchmark. However, Taylor does not see a conflict between his role at OpenAI and at Sierra. He emphasizes that his role at OpenAI is not related to day-to-day operations but rather governance. He also stated that Sierra is not directly competing with OpenAI initiatives, as they are building customer service-oriented chatbots rather than artificial general intelligence (AGI). Taylor has also committed to recusing himself from any decision-making processes where there is potential overlap between OpenAI and Sierra. Despite joining OpenAI’s board while in the process of launching his own startup, Taylor expressed his dedication to OpenAI’s mission of creating AGI. He believes that the opportunity for artificial general intelligence to benefit humanity is one of the most important missions of our time.