Who needs energy when AI can create endless rainforest images?



Key Points:

  • AI technology has been criticized for depleting energy resources.
  • The author argues that the ability of AI to generate endless pictures, including rainforest scenes, outweighs this concern.

Who Cares if Artificial Intelligence Is Depleting Energy Resources When You Can AI Generate As Many Pictures of the Rainforest As You Want

By Adam Frost-Venrick | July 14, 2024

The author begins by highlighting their past investments in cryptocurrency and NFTs, and expresses frustration with the lack of recognition for their work with AI technology. They dismiss concerns about AI’s environmental impact, emphasizing the ability to create images of the rainforest effortlessly.

They also touch on the idea that traditional artists may have a grudge against AI art, as it challenges their gatekeeping of the art world. The author defends AI art as cool and valuable, despite critics’ claims that it lacks realism.

The author reflects on their experiences with other tech ventures and suggests that their failures were due to external factors like shadow bankers, rather than inherent flaws in the technologies themselves.
