US and allies master AI for next-gen naval operations.

The US, the UK, and Australia are exploring the use of artificial intelligence in naval operations. Their projects aim to capitalize on AI’s ability to process data to make tough missions easier.

Recent exercises and announcements show how the US and its allies are turning to AI for help with some of the most complex naval operations in their playbook.

The British military and industry partners conducted amphibious landings using some 130 personnel, 13 vessels, crewed and uncrewed aircraft, and 50 cameras and sensors to record their activity and gather data for AI products. The data will be used to build more datasets to train AI algorithms to recognize objects, like boats and the people on them, and analyze their behavior.

The British navy and its US and Australian counterparts are looking to AI to help with one of their most tricky and time-consuming operations: hunting enemy submarines. By deploying “common advanced artificial intelligence algorithms on multiple systems,” including their maritime patrol planes, the countries’ defense ministers aim to improve anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

The countries are also focused on delivering AI algorithms and machine-learning capabilities to enhance force protection, precision targeting, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. They aim to integrate “resilient and autonomous artificial intelligence technologies” into their national programs and pursue “rapid adoption” of them in land and maritime operations.

In conclusion, AI is becoming increasingly important in naval operations and the US and its allies are making efforts to incorporate AI into their military strategies to keep up with adversaries and enhance their capabilities.