Uncover rare cancers with cutting-edge AI foundation model.


Paige has developed the Virchow foundation model, a groundbreaking AI tool that can detect rare cancers with 94% accuracy. The model has been trained on a massive dataset and can identify small, complex, and rare cancers that are challenging for pathologists to diagnose. This technology has the potential to transform cancer pathology by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses.

Key Elements:

  • Paige’s Virchow foundation model can detect rare cancers with 94% accuracy.
  • The model has been trained on a massive dataset containing over 3 million images, enabling it to identify small, complex, and rare cancers.
  • AI tools like Virchow can accelerate the development of diagnostic aids for pathology and help overcome the barriers to adopting digital pathology practices.
  • The model has the potential to improve patient outcomes by providing more accurate and timely cancer diagnoses.

As new artificial intelligence tools are introduced, the greater efficiency and accuracy achieved using AI will increasingly justify the costs and effort to take on digital pathology practice, says Dr. David Klimstra, cofounder of Paige. Virchow, developed by Paige, is one of the largest image-based AI foundation models for detecting cancer. Rare cancers, which represent more than 50% of all cancers, have been exceptionally hard to diagnose. The Virchow foundation model, trained on a massive dataset, can identify small, complex, and rare cancers with 94% accuracy. This technology has the potential to revolutionize cancer pathology by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses.