Stay ahead of the game with the fast-changing AI rules.


Key Points:

  • Multiple AI regulatory bodies are being established globally.
  • The pace of AI development and regulation is making it difficult to keep up with all new guidelines and laws.


A whirlwind of new AI regulation is sweeping the globe as multiple regulatory bodies are being established to oversee AI development. Various guidelines and laws are being proposed and enacted at a rapid pace, making it challenging to keep track of all the changes. The execution of President Joe Biden’s AI executive order adds to the complexity of the regulatory landscape. Despite efforts by organizations like the Center for AI and Digital Policy to provide resources for tracking AI policy, the sheer quantity and speed of regulatory developments make it difficult for individuals to stay informed.

Enforcement agencies are also applying non-AI-specific laws to AI technologies, such as the FTC’s case against RiteAid for deploying AI facial recognition without safeguards. While new AI-specific laws are important, there is also a need to enforce existing laws to hold companies accountable. Lobbying efforts from the tech industry are increasing, with a 185% spike in AI lobbying expenditures reported last year.

The article also highlights the challenges of AI-generated scams and spams on social media platforms. Scammers and spammers are using AI-generated images to drive engagement and manipulate audiences, raising concerns about the authenticity of content posted online. Additionally, the competition for AI talent in Silicon Valley is intensifying, with Big Tech companies and AI startups offering high salaries to attract experienced engineers.