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Summary of Article


Yahoo, as part of the Yahoo brand family, uses cookies on its sites and applications for various purposes such as providing services, authenticating users, and measuring usage. By clicking on “Accept all”, both Yahoo and its partners will collect and use information for personalized advertising and content. Users can customize their privacy settings by clicking on “Manage privacy settings”.

Key Elements:

  • Yahoo, as part of the Yahoo brand family, uses cookies on its sites and applications for various purposes.
  • By clicking on “Accept all”, both Yahoo and its partners will collect and use information for personalized advertising and content.

When using Yahoo’s sites and applications, cookies are used to provide services, authenticate users, and measure usage. By clicking on “Accept all”, both Yahoo and its partners, including those within the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework, will collect and use information for personalized advertising and content. Users have the option to customize their privacy settings by clicking on “Manage privacy settings”.

Overall, the article highlights the importance of cookies in providing personalized services and advertising on Yahoo’s platforms. Users are given the choice to accept or refuse the use of cookies for additional purposes, and can modify their privacy settings at any time.