Should Big Tech control AI safety? Bilions poured into technology.

Key Elements of Article on Big Tech and AI


  • Big Tech is pouring hundreds of billions into AI by the end of 2024.
  • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced an Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board, with board members from leading tech companies.

Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon are investing heavily in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with Google reporting $12 billion in capital expenditures in the last quarter alone for AI infrastructure. Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon are also making significant AI investments. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently formed an Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board, including CEOs from major tech companies, to advise on protecting critical infrastructure from AI threats. However, concerns have been raised about the board’s makeup and lack of representation from significant open-source AI companies. This raises questions about whether Big Tech should have a say in determining the safety and security of AI technologies.

There is an ongoing debate about the role of Big Tech in regulating the AI industry, considering their vested interests. Some argue that companies like Google and Microsoft should not be part of regulating AI due to conflicts of interest, while others believe their input is crucial given their role in deploying AI in critical infrastructure. The issue of open-source AI representation is also contentious, with some notable companies left out of the Homeland Security board.

Meanwhile, developments in the AI industry include more publishers engaging with OpenAI for licensing deals, a French AI startup raising significant funding, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT introducing memory features for users. The U.S. and China have agreed to dialogue on AI risks and safety concerns, and Darktrace’s acquisition deal showcases the growing importance of AI cybersecurity services. With AI regulations still evolving, the intersection of Big Tech, open-source AI, and responsible AI development remains a key topic of discussion in the industry.