Senators advocate for AI security database nationwide.


  • Senators Mark Warner and Thom Tillis introduced the Secure Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 to address AI manipulation.
  • The proposed bill aims to improve tracking and processing of security incidents in AI systems.

Key Elements:

Two U.S. senators have introduced the Secure Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 to address the unique risks of AI manipulation. The bill requires updates to existing programs such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to track AI security vulnerabilities. It also establishes new functions like a public database for AI security incidents and an artificial intelligence security center at the National Security Agency.

One of the key supporters of the bill is IBM, whose vice president of government and regulatory affairs commended the senators for expanding on existing voluntary mechanisms to enhance AI system safety and security. The bill aims to foster information sharing between the federal government and the private sector to safeguard against threats presented by AI technology.

The proposed legislation underscores the importance of monitoring cybersecurity vulnerabilities in AI systems and enhancing research and guidance around counter-AI techniques.