Sam’s Club uses AI for futuristic checkout experience.


  • Sam’s Club has implemented AI-powered checkout technology at over 120 stores, improving the shopping experience for customers.
  • The technology allows for seamless exit processes, faster checkouts, and increased member satisfaction.

Sam’s Club, owned by Walmart, has rolled out AI-powered checkout technology at over 120 stores in an effort to revolutionize the shopping experience. This technology combines AI, computer vision, and digital tech to identify items in a shopping cart and confirm payments without the need for an associate to check purchases. Since its implementation, more than half of Sam’s Club members have experienced a seamless exit process, resulting in a 23% faster exit time for all members and an 11% increase in member satisfaction regarding the speed of exiting the store.

This move builds on Sam’s Club’s existing digital solutions, such as Scan & Go, which was first debuted in 2017. Several retailers, including Amazon, have explored AI checkout technology to streamline transactions and enhance customer experiences. Sam’s Club’s deployment of AI and computer vision technology addresses concerns about theft and offers consumers a faster shopping experience while freeing up staff to focus on other valuable tasks.

This AI checkout technology not only optimizes efficiency but also allows associates to focus on member assistance, ensuring an enjoyable shopping experience. AI-powered checkouts benefit retailers by processing transactions faster, freeing up staff, and enhancing customer experiences. Customers are ready and eager for this technology, which is easy to adopt and very intuitive in retail environments.