Pope Francis joins G7 discussion about artificial intelligence topics.


1. Pope Francis will participate in the G7 session on Artificial Intelligence under Italy’s presidency.

2. This is the first time a pontiff will be involved in the work of a G7 meeting.

The Holy See Press Office confirmed that Pope Francis will intervene in the G7 Summit in Italy’s Puglia region in the session devoted to Artificial Intelligence. Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, announced the Pope’s participation, highlighting the importance of his presence in contributing to defining a regulatory, ethical, and cultural framework for artificial intelligence. The Italian government aims to enhance the contribution given by the Holy See on AI, particularly with the “Rome Call for AI Ethics of 2020” promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life. Pope Francis’ message on Artificial Intelligence and Peace urges humanity to use AI systems for fully human communication.

The Summit will include the participation of the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. The Pope’s presence is expected to provide a decisive contribution to the discussions around AI ethics and regulations.