Online AI Guys going crazy, beware!



  • An anonymous AI account made big promises about AI advancements, leading AI enthusiasts to speculate and get caught up in the drama.
  • Another mysterious account, Lily Ashwood, emerged causing further speculation and confusion within the AI community.

In early August, an anonymous AI account on X, Discord, and Reddit made bold claims about AI advancements, garnering attention from AI influencers. These claims included references to artificial general intelligence, a theoretical singularity, and a rumored reasoning technology being developed at OpenAI. The specificity and predictions of the account led to speculation about its identity and potential ties to OpenAI. However, the account, known as Strawberry Guy, turned out to be a hoax when its released dates did not come to fruition. This deception prompted backlash, with the /r/singularity community banning mention of the account.

Subsequently, a new account named Lily Ashwood appeared in live voice discussions about AI on X Space, sparking even more speculation. AI enthusiasts debated whether Ashwood was AI herself, exhibiting advanced conversational abilities and evading attempts to out her true identity. Despite claims and evidence suggesting Ashwood’s potential as AGI, she later revealed herself as a single mother from Massachusetts in a video poking fun at the situation.

These incidents illustrate how AI influencers and enthusiasts can be susceptible to hoaxes and scams, highlighting concerns about the ethical implications of AI technology and the potential for deception or manipulation. Companies like OpenAI have been urged to promote responsible and transparent development of AI to avoid further confusion and paranoia within the AI community.
