New AI Master’s Program launching at Western Conn. SU Danbury Campus


Starting this fall, Western Connecticut State University in Danbury will begin offering a master of science degree in artificial intelligence, with in-person classes focused on mathematics and computer science. The program aims to prepare graduates for increasing job opportunities in the field of AI and provides hands-on experience in coding, individualized instruction, supervised internships, and ethics training.

Western Conn. SU’s Danbury Campus to Launch AI Master’s Program

Western Connecticut State University in Danbury is introducing a master’s degree program in artificial intelligence to meet the growing demand for trained professionals in the field. The program, starting in the fall, focuses on mathematics and computer science.

Interim President Manohar Singh emphasized that the degree will provide graduates with the tools to accelerate their careers and contribute to the advancement of AI technology. The program aims to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge of AI, enabling them to pursue careers in various industries such as banking, insurance, and research.

Students with a background in computer science can enroll immediately, while those with degrees in mathematics or other STEM fields may need to fulfill additional requirements. The curriculum includes hands-on coding experiments, individualized instruction, and opportunities for internships and research presentations.

The program also emphasizes ethics in AI, recognizing the importance of responsible development and implementation of AI technologies. With the growing relevance of AI in various sectors, graduates of the program are expected to be highly sought after for their expertise in the field.