Meet ‘Alex,’ your AI interviewer for the next job interview.

AI Interviewer Article Summary


Key Points:

  • Apriora has developed an AI interviewer named “Alex” to streamline the interviewing process.
  • AI interviewers like Alex can conduct interviews at a faster pace than humans, saving time and resources.

Main Article:

Apriora, a startup company, has introduced an AI interviewer named “Alex” to handle scheduling, conduct real-time interviews, and provide immediate feedback to job candidates. This AI technology aims to alleviate the recruiting burden faced by companies, especially with leaner HR teams and high levels of burnout among HR professionals. By leveraging AI, employers can widen their talent aperture, identify qualified candidates from non-traditional backgrounds, and streamline the hiring process.

AI interviewers like Alex can review resumes, conduct personalized interviews, and generate predictive hiring signals. They can also handle scheduling, provide interview feedback, and ensure that applicants aren’t cheating during interviews. While some job seekers may prefer human interviewers, AI interviewers offer benefits such as reducing anxiety, eliminating judgment based on appearance, and creating a more relaxed interview environment.

Apriora has received seed funding and is actively hiring engineers. While some may be wary of the rise of AI in the hiring process, the integration of technology in recruitment is becoming more common. AI interviewers like Alex offer efficiency, objectivity, and a new approach to the traditional recruitment process.