Level up your Ed-Tech products with AI innovation.


In a recent report from the U.S. Department of Education, guidelines were provided for ed-tech companies on crafting AI-powered products for the K-12 market. The key elements highlighted in the report include:

  • Keeping teaching and learning as the main priority
  • Showcasing evidence of impact in product development
  • Addressing equity, bias, and data protection concerns
  • Demonstrating transparency in product design to build trust

Key Elements in Crafting AI-Powered Products for the K-12 Market

Many districts are grappling with decisions on allowing AI products in schools, while ed-tech companies are navigating the landscape of AI investment in K-12 education. The U.S. Department of Education released guidelines to aid developers in creating AI products aligned with educational values and visions, emphasizing the importance of trust in the process. The report was developed in response to President Biden’s executive order to ensure safe, responsible, and nondiscriminatory uses of AI in education. The guidelines promote transparency, data protection, evidence of impact, and equity in AI product development.

Industry leaders, such as Lindsay Jones from CAST and Erin Mote from InnovateEDU, suggest that developers incorporate these guidelines to build trust with school districts looking for credible and reliable AI solutions. With a crowded market, districts seek reliability and increased student outcomes from AI tools. The guidelines also align with Universal Design for Learning principles, emphasizing accessibility and market reach for AI products. Companies aiming to introduce AI products in the K-12 market can benefit from early adoption of these principles to educate customers and foster long-term partnerships in the education sector.