Is AI fueling the rise of tech giants?

Key Elements of Article: Is artificial intelligence making big tech too big?


Key Points:

  • Big tech companies are investing heavily in artificial intelligence technologies.
  • Antitrust authorities are closely watching these companies for potential monopolistic practices.

When ChatGPT took everyone by storm in November 2022, it was Open AI, the startup behind it, that seized the business world’s attention. But, as usual, big tech is back on the front foot. Nvidia, maker of accelerator chips that are at the core of generative artificial intelligence (AI), is now duelling with Microsoft to be the world’s most valuable company. Both firms are high on the watch list of antitrust agencies due to their investments in artificial intelligence technologies and potential monopolistic practices.

Historically, antitrust investigations have been slow and labyrinthine. However, with the rise of big tech companies investing in AI, regulatory authorities are working at a faster pace to ensure fair competition in the market. The speed at which antitrust authorities are operating in the investigation of big tech companies is notable and reflects the changing landscape of technology and business.

Overall, the article highlights the intersection of artificial intelligence technologies and big tech companies, raising questions about the impact of AI on market competitiveness and the need for regulatory oversight to prevent monopolistic practices.