IATSE and AMPTP discuss AI protections and other important issues


  • IATSE and Studios discussed AI protections, wages, and other topics in recent negotiations
  • Efforts to update members more frequently on negotiations are ongoing

Key Elements:

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) completed a second week of Basic Agreement General Negotiations. Bargaining topics included proposals covering artificial intelligence, wages, working conditions, and subcontracting. President Matthew D. Loeb stated that the goal of the negotiations is to ensure that contracts keep pace with the entertainment industry’s evolution. Negotiations for the Area Standards Agreement (ASA) will begin on May 20 and cover issues like wage increases, pension and health contributions, artificial intelligence, quality of life conditions, job security, and benefits funding.

The memo shared by IATSE is part of increased efforts to update members more frequently on contract talks. Hollywood labor has seen increased rank-and-file engagement since the COVID-19 pandemic. Assuming a deal is reached on the Hollywood Basic and Area Standards Agreements, the next union expected to begin negotiations would be Teamsters Local 399. Like IATSE, they have stated they won’t agree to an extension to the July 31 expiration date on their current contract.

Overall, negotiations will cover important issues such as wage increases, pension and health contributions, artificial intelligence, quality of life conditions, job security, and benefits funding.