Hasbro CEO predicts AI adoption in D&D’s future is inevitable.


  • Hasbro’s CEO, Chris Cocks, believes that the adoption of AI in Dungeons & Dragons is inevitable.
  • Hasbro has been hiring for positions to help develop AI integration for digital endeavors at Wizards of the Coast.

In a recent event, Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks shared that the use of AI, particularly in the form of machine-learning-based AI, is already being utilized in the development of Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. The company has also been actively hiring to further integrate AI into its digital projects, such as potential video games. Cocks believes that the adoption of AI is not just limited to the company’s internal development processes but also extends to the players themselves.

Cocks emphasized the benefits of using AI in enabling user-generated content, streamlining new player introduction, and enhancing emergent storytelling within the gaming community. Despite the potential benefits, Wizards of the Coast has previously updated its policies to explicitly prohibit the use of generative AI tools in any official creative processes for Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering, following controversies related to AI-generated content.

The ongoing debate surrounding the use of AI tools in the TTRPG community highlights the tensions between embracing technological advancements and preserving the essence of human creativity in game development. Hasbro’s exploration of AI integration signifies a potential shift towards incorporating AI in the future of Dungeons & Dragons and other gaming experiences.