Harnessing synesthetic powers to birth a groundbreaking fusion of AI art.


  • Artist Shane Guffogg, who has synesthesia, used AI to compose music that corresponds with his paintings.
  • AI experts helped Guffogg create a visual alphabet that matched musical chords to colors in his paintings.

Key Elements:

Shane Guffogg, a multi-media abstract artist with synesthesia, collaborated with AI experts and musicians to compose music based on his paintings. Guffogg, who hears color, wanted to explore what his paintings might sound like and used AI to enhance his creative process. Through creating a visual alphabet that matched musical chords to colors in his paintings, working with musicians like Anthony Cardella, and developing an AI algorithm to convert paintings into music, Guffogg was able to unlock the musicality in his art. This collaboration resulted in a sonata inspired by one of his paintings, performed at the Venice Biennale, showcasing the convergence of colors and notes in a unique artistic experience.