Google’s next step: AI Overview ads in search results.


Google has transformed its search product into an AI-based system called AI Overview. Now, they are introducing ads within the AI Overview box, which will push down organic search results further on the page.

  • Google has revamped search into an AI product
  • They are introducing ads within the AI Overview box

In a significant shift, Google has changed its traditional search product into an AI-based system known as AI Overview. This transformation has altered the way search results are presented, moving towards displaying information directly to users rather than just providing links to relevant websites. The next step in this evolution is the introduction of ads within the AI Overview box. This move has the potential to further disrupt the traditional layout of search results, with ads now occupying prominent positions within the box.

The demonstration by Google showcases the placement of ads at the bottom of the AI Overview box, requiring users to scroll down to view them. While the exact positioning and presentation of ads may undergo several changes in the future, Google has mentioned that early feedback indicates people find the ads both above and below the AI-generated overview to be helpful. This aligns with the typical approach of placing ads above the fold for better visibility.

Currently, AI Overviews are being rolled out to users in the US, with ads expected to start appearing in the overview box soon. Existing Google ad customers do not need to take any specific actions to enable ads within the AI Overview box; Google will handle the implementation for them as long as they continue advertising on the platform.