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How to Turn Off Google Search’s AI Overview – Article Summary


Google recently added AI overviews to search results, but users can turn them off by using a “Web” filter that presents results without extra junk. Users can add a URL parameter to their searches to directly access the Web results. This can be set as the default search engine in browsers for a cleaner search experience.

Key Elements:

  • Google added AI overviews to search results, generating pre-processed answers to queries.
  • Users can access a “Web” filter that presents results without extra information, similar to Google’s appearance in the early 2000s.
  • By adding a URL parameter to searches, users can directly access the Web results without additional clicks.
  • This parameter can be set as the default search engine in browsers for a cleaner search experience without AI overviews.

Google’s decision to focus on AI-driven results has left power users frustrated, but the ability to access cleaner search results with the “Web” filter or URL parameter offers a workaround. By taking advantage of this feature, users can have a more streamlined search experience reminiscent of Google’s earlier days.