Get rid of doomscrolling with AI pop-ups for your phone.


AI program can learn from smartphone users’ behaviors to send timely pop-up reminders about when to close attention-grabbing apps, reducing screen time.

  • An artificial intelligence system can help reduce screen time on smartphones by sending personalized pop-up reminders.
  • The AI program learns from user behaviors to send timely reminders to close attention-grabbing apps like TikTok, effectively reducing app usage.

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An artificial intelligence system has been developed to help smartphone users reduce their screen time. Apps like Instagram and TikTok are designed to keep users glued to their screens, but this AI program sends personalized pop-up reminders to take breaks.

Xuhai Xu from MIT explains that a random notification to stop doomscrolling may not always work, but machine learning can personalize the intervention to arrive at the most effective moment. The AI system learns from user behaviors to send reminders at strategic times.

By reducing the frequency of app usage, particularly for attention-grabbing apps like TikTok, the AI program helps users break the habit of excessive screen time. This technology offers a solution to the growing issue of smartphone addiction and can help individuals regain control over their screen time habits.

Overall, the AI pop-up reminders provide a proactive approach to managing smartphone usage and can ultimately lead to healthier digital habits for users.